Should we move this into another platform like Discord/Slack/Reddit?

Viewed 13

I'm curious to see if there is any feedback or suggestions on other platforms, basically a place for gathering FR/bugs and share general knowledge. This software is great for Q&A but it might lack in forum like topics maybe?

1 Answers

Overall, Discord is one of the most popular platforms for communicating with your audience.

But this forum is also a good platform for gathering and sharing information.
But, as with Apache Answer, Discord needs to be customized, add a bot with tickets, and other things to be able to communicate with the community. (if necessary, I can help you with Discord configuration, I have a lot of experience in it :з).

Just as I know you have several platforms, Apache Answer, mail, and Itch forums.
I think it would be hard to keep track of 3 platforms + if Discord is added to it. So I would suggest to use Discord and Apache Answer (and transfer everyone who is there to these platforms, to make it easier for you and people (but whether it will be easier for people, I don't know...)). That people could have access to Discord communication (share their projects and ideas) and have Q&A on community.drafft.
I would also be interested to know if there is a Discord related plugin for Apache Answer, for example to automatically post questions to a specific text channel.
I agree with you that there is a lack of topics, for open communication.

Anyway, this is purely my opinion, from which you can pick something out and ignore something. :зз
I hope I was able to present my, thought, if something in my words is not clear, I will be glad to answer additional questions :з